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CeraNovis GmbH residing in Saarbrücken is an SME with less than 20 employees developing, producing and selling high performance ceramic coatings.

CeraNovis sees itself as part of an internationally integrated economy and, as a company based in Saarbrücken, is part of the countries and their companies in which CeraNovis operates. CeraNovis follows the basic understanding of the “honorable merchant” and acknowledges its responsibility as a company. 

  • CeraNovis monitors the direct and indirect effects of its business activities on the environment and society and endeavors to achieve an appropriate balance between economic, ecological and social interests.
  • CeraNovis acts in accordance with generally recognized values and principles, complies with the law and, in particular, observes internationally recognized human rights and labor standards as set out below.
  • CeraNovis stands for the objectives and contents of the Code of Conduct and will make all appropriate and reasonable efforts within the scope of its respective legal and actual possibilities to comply with the voluntary commitment on an ongoing basis at its company location in Germany and abroad 

If existing national regulations conflict with the contents of the Code of Conduct or if the national context makes it impossible to comply with them in full, CeraNovis will look for ways to comply with the requirements of the Code of Conduct wherever possible.


Ethical / moral obligation and integrity


  • CeraNovis pursues exclusively legal business objectives and practices and maintains business relationships only with reputable partners.
  • CeraNovis behaves fairly and respectfully towards business partners and customers.
  • CeraNovis respects different legal, economic, social and cultural backgrounds and the special circumstances of the countries and regions in which CeraNovis operates. In doing so, CeraNovis respects the laws and regulations of the countries and regions in which business activities take place.
  • CeraNovis always bases its business activities on generally accepted ethical values and principles, including integrity and respect for human dignity.
  • CeraNovis believes in free and fair global trade.


Corruption, trade control, money laundering


  • CeraNovis rejects any form of bribery and corruption. To this end, we avoid any appearance of this - be it in the form of granting or accepting unfair advantages.
  • CeraNovis acts in accordance with the applicable import and export control regulations and complies with the legal requirements for the prevention of money laundering.


Fair competition


  • CeraNovis is committed to free and fair competition.
  • CeraNovis does not tolerate any anti-competitive agreements and ensures that the company acts in accordance with the applicable antitrust laws. CeraNovis rejects competitive advantages through unfair business practices.


Handling of personal data, protection of confidential information and intellectual property


  • CeraNovis respects the personal rights of its employees, business partners and customers and complies with the applicable legal and regulatory requirements for the processing of personal data and information security when handling personal information.
  • CeraNovis protects entrusted business secrets and other confidential information of its business partners and customers from unauthorized acquisition, use and disclosure, at least in accordance with the relevant statutory provisions for the protection of business secrets.
  • CeraNovis respects the intellectual property of its business partners, customers and other third parties and ensures that sufficient precautions are taken to protect intellectual property rights when exchanging know-how and technologies.


Protecting consumer interests


  • Where CeraNovis products and services affect the interests of consumers, suitable measures are taken to ensure the safety and quality of the products or services. CeraNovis ensures that the products or services comply with the relevant statutory consumer protection provisions. It should be noted at this point that CeraNovis GmbH does not currently supply any end consumer products, but only supplies the industry.
  • In the context of information and sales measures, CeraNovis takes into account the interests of consumers (where applicable) by applying the legal requirements for fair business, marketing and advertising practices and consumer education.

Ecological responsibility and commitment


  • The protection and preservation of the natural foundations of life concerns and obliges us all. Conscious of this, CeraNovis conducts its business activities in an ecologically responsible manner and is committed to the goal of a climate-neutral future.


Protecting the environment and climate


  • CeraNovis fulfills its ecological responsibility by applying the applicable legal requirements and recognized standards for the protection of the environment and climate.
  • CeraNovis is working to continuously reduce the negative impact of its business activities on the environment and climate.
  • CeraNovis applies applicable law and takes appropriate measures that are based on legal and internationally recognized standards and cover the following topics, among others:
  • Proper/professional and responsible handling of hazardous substances, chemicals and waste, including their disposal
  • Sourcing of all chemicals in accordance with REACH and 99% within Germany
  • Measures to reduce or avoid waste
  • Minimizing emissions from operational processes (e.g. wastewater, exhaust air, noise, greenhouse gases)
  • Conserving natural resources, for example by taking measures to save water, chemicals and other raw materials and promoting the circular economy
  • Use of climate and environmentally friendly technologies, processes, raw materials, and products
  • Measures to increase energy efficiency and the share of renewable energies in energy consumption at company locations


Animal and species protection


  • CeraNovis observes the principles for the protection of animals and biodiversity and aligns its business activities accordingly. The keeping and use of animals must comply with the applicable legal animal welfare requirements and be species-appropriate. The Washington Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora is the guiding principle here.

Human rights and labor standards


  • Human dignity is inviolable. That is why CeraNovis respects the internationally recognized human rights set out in the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
  • CeraNovis is guided by the internationally recognized labour standards of the International Labour Organization (ILO), as set out below in the Code of Conduct.  In all business activities, CeraNovis endeavors to neither cause nor contribute to human rights violations. CeraNovis expects the same from its business partners. Where necessary and possible, CeraNovis supports its suppliers in this respect.


Employment relationships


  • CeraNovis treats its employees with respect.
  • CeraNovis rejects any form of unlawful punishment, abuse, harassment, intimidation or other unworthy treatment of employees.
  • CeraNovis applies the applicable labor law to all employment relationships and expects the same from its contractual partners. At the beginning of the employment relationship, employees must be provided with comprehensible information about the essential working conditions, including their rights and obligations, working hours, remuneration and payment and settlement modalities..
  • CeraNovis respects and protects the right of employees to terminate their employment relationship in compliance with the relevant notice period.


Rejecting child labor and protecting young workers


  • CeraNovis does not tolerate child labor and observes the applicable legal minimum age for employment. In any case, CeraNovis does not employ persons under the age at which compulsory education ends according to the law of the place of employment or under the age of 15. Internships are organized in accordance with the statutory provisions.
  • CeraNovis expects its contractual partners to have adequate means of determining age in order to prevent child labor. If child labor is detected, all necessary measures must be taken immediately, focusing on the welfare, protection and development of the child.
  • The rights of young employees under the age of 18 must be observed; they may only be employed if it is ensured that the working and employment conditions neither pose a risk to their health, safety or morals nor are detrimental to their development.


Rejection of forced labor


  • CeraNovis rejects forced or compulsory labor in any form. This also applies to any form of debt bondage, serfdom, slavery or slave-like practices, human trafficking and extends to all forms of involuntary labor and services that are not compatible with internationally recognized labor and social standards.


Principles of remuneration


  • CeraNovis applies the statutory or - where applicable - collectively agreed provisions for the remuneration of work services. It should be noted that CeraNovis is not currently a company bound by collective agreements.
  • CeraNovis ensures that the payment of employees in the company does not fall below the applicable statutory minimum wage or, if applicable, the collectively agreed minimum wage (if applicable) or the minimum wage customary in the industry. In countries or regions without a statutory or collectively agreed wage framework, CeraNovis ensures that the wages paid for regular full-time work are sufficient to meet the basic needs of the employees.  Wage deductions that are not permitted by law, including deductions as a disciplinary measure, will not be tolerated by CeraNovis.


Working hours


  • CeraNovis applies the statutory or applicable collectively agreed provisions on working hours, including overtime, rest breaks and vacation.  
  • CeraNovis ensures that
    • the regular weekly working hours plus maximum possible overtime are not exceeded,
    • working time regulations are adhered to.



Freedom of association


  • CeraNovis respects the right of employees to freedom of association and freedom of assembly as well as the right to collective bargaining , insofar as this is legally permissible and possible in the respective country of employment. If this is not permissible, CeraNovis seeks appropriate compromises for its employees.


Diversity and inclusion, prohibition of discrimination


  • CeraNovis values the diversity of its employees and promotes a working environment that enables inclusion. CeraNovis is therefore committed to equal opportunities and rejects all forms of discrimination and unequal treatment based on national and ethnic origin, social background, health status, disability, sexual orientation, age, gender, political opinion, religion or belief.
  • CeraNovis lives by the principle of equal pay for male and female workers for work of equal value.


Health and safety in the workplace


  • CeraNovis complies with national and international occupational health and safety standards.

CeraNovis ensures a safe and healthy working environment (avoiding accidents, injuries and work-related illnesses) in order to maintain the safety and health of its employees and third parties.